There are a lot of questions about COVID-19 floating around. Specifically, how can it be transmitted from one human to the next?
As water treatment experts, we wanted to answer some of the questions...
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There are two types of water treatment: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical water treatment often includes using softeners, deaerators, economizers, reverse osmosis and other means. Chemical water...
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As Americans, we can sometimes take clean water for granted. We hear about poor drinking water in other places but don’t believe a country as developed as the US would have such a problem.
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A common question we get from home and business owner is “should I get my water tested?”. While the urgency may vary, the almost unanimous answer is “yes”.
If you are asking the question, chances are there is a reason behind it. Maybe you are worried about dangerous chemicals, lead, iron, bacteria, or viruses in your water. Maybe you want to know how hard your water is because you have stains on your toilet, sink, shower, etc. Or, perhaps you just don’t like...
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